Tuesday 25 March 2014

An Interview with Blogger Olivia...

Blogging has become a social media platform for the fashion gurus of modern society, but do we really appreciate or even recognise the hard work and creative posts?  It has given people like us, the encouragement to try different trends and venture away from the easy options, exploring more than one colour and unleashing that inner Gok.

Twenty year old and fashion fanatic Olivia, reveals her award winning blog: www.whatoliviadid.com, her journey into the fashion industry and “what Olivia did” to get where she is today:

Growing up in the heart of the city, London, I was constantly surrounded by high end fashion, unique and sometimes eccentric styles! Since the age of 13 I have always had my head buried into the likes of cosmopolitan, scattering through the latest trends, who wore what best and the dos and don’ts of fashion. As cliché as it sounds, I always had a “passion for fashion” and wanted to channel my love for writing and the ability to spot and even set a trend to a career I could enjoy.

It never occurred to me that creating a blog would cause such success; I started off my critiquing celebrities and posting random purchases funded by not so very glam part time job.  I didn’t want to spend my Saturdays serving tea and sandwiches; I just knew a normal job wouldn’t cut it. Finishing my GCSEs it was at that moment in time I knew I had to make something happen! I went into fashion journalism and attended the yearly fashion show. For me, Christmas came around not once but twice a year: London Fashion Week. It was my baby and it was a perfect excuse to bin off revision and indulge into Gucci’s latest statement piece.

After typing away in my younger years, my blog - without even realising - expanded. I created feature posts, I personalised my blog with regards to the way it was presented; the images are just important as the writing. My knowledge stemmed from my truly talented and best friend Joseph. He has a real knack for photography and thankfully knows a thing or two about design. That is one piece of advice I would give any fellow bloggers, work with a photographer, and create friendships with that girl or guy sitting in the media suite at college. Joseph always gets excellent recognition for all of my photographs and I ensure my followers know that too!
So when I was awarded the title ‘Best New Fashion Blog’ at the 2011 Cosmopolitan blog awards. I was over the moon and it inspired me to continue to improve and work harder than ever. This award heightened my number of followers and I was getting swarms of emails asking me to attend events and awards.  In 2012 I was shortlisted at the Company 2012 blog awards under 'Best 'What I'm Wearing Today' Blog' & 'Best Blog For High St Lovers'.

My hard work and dedication has really shone through with the awards that I have won. I am constantly blogging and travelling around with different companies but I always make time for my followers and other bloggers. I have decided that twice a month I will select the best bloggers to join me at either an event or blogging sesh. I appreciate how hard bloggers work and, to get taken seriously in the fashion world takes a lot of hard work! I hope my experience and most recent award 'Best Established Fashion Blog' at the 2013 Cosmo Blog Awards will encourage them further.

This post was written by first year PR student, Harriet Dodsworth.

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