Tuesday 18 March 2014

How to get employers (P)interested in you

We are all aware of how we need to act online. But as Public Relations students, we are advised on how to use social media as a platform, and as a way to promote ourselves like a brand.

 Whether you are using them to show off your antics from last night, or using them effectively as a way to build connections.Now more than ever lecturers, potential employers, PR practitioners and other influentials are taking to online networks to see how you behave on the sites.

Whether it’s updating and editing your personal blog or contributing to online magazines such as Student Wire and Behind the Spin, we should all be making conscious efforts to start building our presence online.

Something I decided to do was create a Pinterest CV. Showing some of my experiences and skills in a different format, I hope, will show off my creative abilities and could save potential employers the boring job of scowling my paper CV. It may also help with work experience opportunities in the future.

Why Pinterest? Although Pinterest launched in 2010, it has taken the platform a few years to get on board and become popular, now being given the attention I feel it deserves. Pinterest’s traffic grew by 135% in 2013, showing that individuals and organisations are using the site more regularly and it is an effective and influential medium.

If you are not aware of Pinterest, you may just feel like it’s an image-sharing site, being able to post and pin pictures to your own board. But visual images are becoming more influential, with a huge rise in infographics. I feel by pinning large images that are personal to you helps to explain a story.  

Making this online CV has helped me to create an overview of who I am, my skills and abilities and so far work experiences in a more creative and intriguing way.

Here’s my Pinterest CV, go and create yours! 

This post was written by Emily Morris, a second year public relations and communications student. 

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